User Interface
Business Model

Once your model is defined, it can be re-used later with any generic view:


$model = new DemoInvoice(new Persistence\Array_($_SESSION['atk4_ui_intro_demo'] ?? []));
$model->onHook(Model::HOOK_AFTER_SAVE, function (Model $model) {
    $_SESSION['atk4_ui_intro_demo'][$model->getId()] = (clone $model->getModel())->addCondition($model->idField, $model->getId())->export(null, null, false)[$model->getId()];

Header::addTo($owner, ['Record display in Card View using model data.']);
$model = $model->tryLoad(1);
if ($model !== null) {
    Card::addTo($owner, ['useLabel' => true])
} else {
    Message::addTo($owner, ['Empty record.']);
Record display in Card View using model data.
Empty record.

Re-use of your Business Model code, generic and interactive views and principles of composition and a simple PHP code offers a most efficient way of constructing Web Applications.