Feature: Multiline Scenario: Given I am on "form-control/multiline.php" When I fill in "-atk_fp_multiline_item__qty" with "0" Then the "div[name=-atk_fp_multiline_item__total_sql]" element should contain "0" Then the "div[name=-atk_fp_multiline_item__total_php]" element should contain "0" When I fill in "-atk_fp_multiline_item__qty" with "2" When I fill in "-atk_fp_multiline_item__box" with "67" Then the "div[name=-atk_fp_multiline_item__total_sql]" element should contain "134" Then the "div[name=-atk_fp_multiline_item__total_php]" element should contain "134" Then I press button "Save" Then Toast display should contain text '"atk_fp_multiline_item__qty": 2, "atk_fp_multiline_item__box": 67, "atk_fp_multiline_item__total_sql": 134 }'